alright first relevant post in my blog.
I Started working on a gorghon for my beastmen army. I'm sure most of you will start saying, "yuk, does he really like that pumba head???
To those people I like to say, ... YES, as long as you don't go overboard with the comical faces, I like how it lifts up the spirit around an army that otherwise justs blends every model together.

anyways here are the first pictures, less then an hour work and already out of sculpting recources. Like when you're doing chores around the house, you only find out you're missing stuff  the time you need it.
Oh no; he's throwing that harmless peasant around. What a mean monster.
while in the meantime he is gnawing on the peasants boyfriend... guess he isn't that tolerent about sexual preference ... They both better went of to brettonia were it's considered 'normal' (well they do have to do a lot of effort to pick up a damsel over there... seems not everything changes over time)
here he is fully assembled and smiling
Considering every site's got to start somewhere...