Sweet, yesterday I won best painted and gained a solid 9th place overall in a 1850 point tournament.
good change after the two mediocre  tournaments I had before (though very well organised&fun ones nontheless)

I had roughly:
gorebull bsb: 2+save and -1 ld banner
lvl1 with 2scrolls
wargor general, with great weapon, full armour and chalice of dark rain.
4x5 ungor raiders
2x10 gors
2x5 hounds
2xtuskgor chariot
4 mino's with champ& cacophonous dirge
           (dunno why that instead of black plate, must have been tired when I made my list)
6 harpies
15 bestigors with full command and warbanner

played against khorne deamons (definatly no cheese):
2 heralds on juggers;  (one bsb with -2ld in 12"range... making my chariots worthless to the bone...)
2x15bloodletters with D6 standard;
3x5flesh hounds;
3x6/7 furies
- objectives made this a draw in my opponent favour
(needed to kill eachothers general - after 13 str6 attacks my gorghon didn't even wound his general; damn 0+save - at least he had  died trying  275points down the sink)

2x engines
1xbsb on Ancient steg
1xnormal steguadon
& skinks
-  didn't kill one steg,  need I say more --- asa I got in combat the engines blasted me to oblivion.

final battle VC:
2x 15ghouls (wich he could raise beyond)
2x20 Grave guard
2x20 zombies
3x lvl2 vampires (pendant/book of arkhan/helm of commandment...)
varlghurf or whatshisname
- I grinded his entire army by the third turn and won with a 2890 point difference  (felt a bit bad about this one)
(400 from objective, 400 table quarters, 200 banners, 100 general +army, I lost 2x5 hounds)
slowly adding more pictures to the galleries, almost there now :p
started adding my painted  characters; rare and some core troops to the beastmen gallery
additional sculpting, base and basecoat - I'll leave it at that and start painting so he gets finished on time....
ok, a two for one update today as I couldn't post anything this morning: (feel free to leave a comment btw)
quick sketch of what he'll look like/what I'm aiming for
but scarier and with a smaller head :D
First of as stated in the title; I'll have to apologise for still not having any pictures.
But on the bright side! -> he's coming along nicely.
The base is done, and now it'll be mostly dressing up and sculpting details.

I'm on a huge deadline however... I've got a tournament this weekend, and I'll either have to fully finish and paint the one I'm working on... or use a crappy standing wich I'll have to paint in order for my army to get painting scores.

I'm in a pickle on this one...
<-here's the stand-in

not bad
but definatly not
impressive either

ok, new sculpt is in progress, and the artwork gallery is update to show most stuff.
Have fun.
Ok, it's official... the milliput is gone.
luckily, I've got a friend who will be helping me out tomorrow :D
in the meanwile I've found a sollution to fill out the basics of the wireframe!
MY GLUEGUN, cheaper, lighter then that masonry sculpting stuff :p but better then papier-marché.
haven't got any pictures so far put I'll definatly post some
alright first relevant post in my blog.
I Started working on a gorghon for my beastmen army. I'm sure most of you will start saying, "yuk, does he really like that pumba head???
To those people I like to say, ... YES, as long as you don't go overboard with the comical faces, I like how it lifts up the spirit around an army that otherwise justs blends every model together.

anyways here are the first pictures, less then an hour work and already out of sculpting recources. Like when you're doing chores around the house, you only find out you're missing stuff  the time you need it.
Oh no; he's throwing that harmless peasant around. What a mean monster.
while in the meantime he is gnawing on the peasants boyfriend... guess he isn't that tolerent about sexual preference ... They both better went of to brettonia were it's considered 'normal' (well they do have to do a lot of effort to pick up a damsel over there... seems not everything changes over time)
here he is fully assembled and smiling