Sweet, yesterday I won best painted and gained a solid 9th place overall in a 1850 point tournament.
good change after the two mediocre  tournaments I had before (though very well organised&fun ones nontheless)

I had roughly:
gorebull bsb: 2+save and -1 ld banner
lvl1 with 2scrolls
wargor general, with great weapon, full armour and chalice of dark rain.
4x5 ungor raiders
2x10 gors
2x5 hounds
2xtuskgor chariot
4 mino's with champ& cacophonous dirge
           (dunno why that instead of black plate, must have been tired when I made my list)
6 harpies
15 bestigors with full command and warbanner

played against khorne deamons (definatly no cheese):
2 heralds on juggers;  (one bsb with -2ld in 12"range... making my chariots worthless to the bone...)
2x15bloodletters with D6 standard;
3x5flesh hounds;
3x6/7 furies
- objectives made this a draw in my opponent favour
(needed to kill eachothers general - after 13 str6 attacks my gorghon didn't even wound his general; damn 0+save - at least he had  died trying  275points down the sink)

2x engines
1xbsb on Ancient steg
1xnormal steguadon
& skinks
-  didn't kill one steg,  need I say more --- asa I got in combat the engines blasted me to oblivion.

final battle VC:
2x 15ghouls (wich he could raise beyond)
2x20 Grave guard
2x20 zombies
3x lvl2 vampires (pendant/book of arkhan/helm of commandment...)
varlghurf or whatshisname
- I grinded his entire army by the third turn and won with a 2890 point difference  (felt a bit bad about this one)
(400 from objective, 400 table quarters, 200 banners, 100 general +army, I lost 2x5 hounds)

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