dropped in yesterday at the green knight together with a friend who's a member to pick up a fun game.
Prayers were answered as the pope stepped up for the challenge

quick writeup:
my list:
-beastlord, stubborn, 1+ save and fire-ring
-bsb, chalice of dark rain (ha&sh)
-lvl2 with staff of sorcery

-30 gors fc
-2x10 ungor raider
-2 chariots
-2x5 hounds

-4 mino's
-4 mino's, +champ&stone of spite
-6 scouting harpies

- gorghon

Kay's list:
-pidgeon engineer

-40? spearmen
-10 knights with GW
-big block flagellants
-5 pistoliers/outriders (dunno)


Kay really is a great adversairy and seemed to really sadisticly chuccle & enjoy over the last spell of lore of light once it got off and killed 18 gors in one cast. The hellstorm had some great shots & again I could enjoy the happiness on his face :D
luckily for my his cannons had top's 2 wounds on the d6 about everytime.
The winds of magic didn't really favour anyone, without items for extra pd, and some low rolls, I think we can both be happy we didn't invest a crapload in mages.

The gamewinner was definatly the default spell of lore of beasts, +1 str& toughness is soo nice, - it makes ungor viable and turns minotaurs into avatars of war. (crown of command is also too good ;D)
Though lore of shadows would have been nice vs those swordmen, to lower their Initiative. Getting 24 str 3 attacks on my mino's before being able to strike made my hearth skip a beat.

Succer of the match was the Gorghon who suffered a massive 8 wound in one round of combat with the flaggies. Good thing I'm used to seeing the Gorghon die almost every game or I would have cried myselve to sleep that night.

All in all a really fun game, with some cool twists & dramatic moments.

win for me
I had left:
unit of 1ungor & one of 3,
all characters with one wound left each
3 of my gors
a unit of 1 minotaur

+ I had his general, bsb & a banner (and killed the pope with my mino-champ)
he had, his flaggies, engineer and 2 warmachines left

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